Outdoor fun for everyone! Lawn bowling is easy to learn and fun for everybody !
169 Grand River Street North, across the street from the Presbyterian Church.
Beginning in early June, lawn bowling sessions will take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 9pm (weather permitting).
If you've never tried lawn bowling before, no problem. Drop by any night that we are bowling, or contact us and make arrangements to join us for a quick tutorial. We will have you on the green playing in 10 minutes! If you're looking for outdoor sports entertainment in the County of Brant this summer, look no further. All equipment is provided, including an accessibility device for launching the bowls, and no special clothing is required.
Please download and complete BOTH the Membership Form and Waiver and return to us by email (parislawnbowlingclub@gmail.com)
along with your full membership payment of $100 for the 2024 season
If you wish to register in person, please bring your forms with you to your first session along with payment
E-Transfer to parislawnbowlingclub@gmail.com , use password 'parisbowls'
Cash and Cheques are also acceptable. Make cheques payable to "Paris Lawn Bowling Club"
Welcome to the Paris Lawn Bowling Club, an historic Paris institution steeped in tradition and camaraderie. Our roots go back to the year 1884, when a group of enthusiasts first gathered on the future grounds of the Presbyterian Church on Grand River Street North. Before finding its official home, the club's greens saw fun and laughter on Andrew Baird's front yard beside the Elm Street skating rink. In 1893, progress led us to our present location, as the Paris Presbyterian Church was built where we once played. Initially we rented the land at our current location, and it was during this transformative period that the Paris Lawn Tennis & Bowling Club was born.
In 1928, Reginald Turnbull came forward as a philanthropic visionary for our club. By generously gifting us the land the club had been renting, he gave us a permanent home. In addition to this heartfelt gesture, Turnbull also funded the construction of a clubhouse and all other essential amenities.
Evolution has been a constant companion on our club's journey. In 1928, a pivotal meeting, chaired by Matthew Deans, created a ladies' section, paving the way for a legacy that extended into the 1980s. Our community was further enhanced in 1948 when a new clubhouse, donated by Verne Martin Sr. replaced its predecessor. For decades prosperity graced our doorstep, until the early 1980's when a dip in membership posed challenges that demanded innovative solutions.
Demonstrating its continued resilience, in 1986 the Paris Lawn Bowling Club transferred the deeds to our building and green to the Town of Paris for $1. Bowlers continue to enjoy the game, the camaraderie and the beautiful setting at the same location, in partnership with the Town of Paris/County of Brant.
Continuing this partnership, in 2023 Council approved funding for a replacement building on the site of the 1948 clubhouse. Construction of the new community centre began in September 2023, with completion anticipated to occur in time for the launch of our 2025 lawn bowling season. More information can be found on the County website at:
With over 140 years of passion, dedication, and community at our core, the Paris Lawn Bowling Club invites you to join us in creating history, making friends, and embracing the timeless sport that has united us throughout the years. We welcome everyone from Paris and the surrounding area to join the Paris Lawn Bowling Club in June of 2025. It will be an exciting time in our long history as we begin a new chapter, in a new building, sharing the lovely facilities and grounds with other community groups.
To learn more about the construction of the new community centre, visit the County of Brant website.
169 Grand River Street North, Paris, Ontario
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